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Adult Education

Ahavath Achim Congregation offers a range of opportunities for every level of learning, ranging from Rabbi Pepperstone's weekly column on the Torah portion of the week, his Shabbat morning teaching, Sunday morning learning after minyan, and Wednesday evening classes. Cantor Pepperstone offers one-on-one and small group learning to help people learn to lead a service, chant Torah or Haftarah, or take their skills up a notch or two.


We also offer our Third Place events, where we meet up around town or in people's homes and engage in Torah study on a range of topics in more informal settings. Course topics typically include Jewish history, in-depth Torah study, introduction to Judaism, and the Jewish liturgy. Courses are open to anyone in Greater Wichita and free to members of Ahavath Achim Congregation. It would be hard to imagine a more enriching educational experience.

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Foundations of Jewish Life

Do you want to learn more about Jewish life in a more holistic, multi-faceted and integrated way? Do you have questions about big ideas in Judaism, Jewish practice, Jewish history, Hebrew Bible, the Jewish lifecycle, and any topic on your mind? This course is for both the person new to Jewish learning and for the experienced learner as well. This course began in Fall, and you can jump in any time! We would love to learn with you!


Contact for more info.

Learn with Cantor Pepperstone

By appointment

Cantor Pepperstone is offering one-on-one and small group teaching and coaching for anyone interested in:


  • learning how to chant Torah, Haftarah or other sacred texts,

  • leading part or all of a service,

  • working on Siddur Hebrew,

  • strengthening one's ability to lead a service.


Cantor Pepperstone brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this role. Help us to invest in our community with a donation towards your own class or someone else’s. Suggested contributions are $5-$75 per class, or sponsor a learner for a month for $250.


If you would be interested in any or all of the above, please reach out to her directly ( or Ellen Beren (

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Sunday Morning Sessions @AAC

On Sunday mornings, we move from the Shalom Sanctuary into the Social Hall for breakfast and learning. Rabbi Pepperstone has offered several different series of topics over the past two years, including an in-depth look at the commandments, understanding the Jewish prayer book, and a fresh take at electricity on Shabbat.

Now Rabbi Pepperstone is doing a series based on the book The Bible With and Without Jesus, by Marc Brettler and AJ Levine, who explore what the Bible says on its own terms, and how it has been interpreted both in Jewish and Christian communities. This series will run through Winter.

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