Joan S. Beren Wichita Jewish Community Center (JSBWJCC)
In November 2019, Ahavath Achim Congregation and Congregation Emanu-el voted to accept a memorandum of understanding to create the Joan S. Beren Wichita Jewish Community Center, referred to as JSBWJCC or WJCC. The two congregations are now housed in the same building along with the Mid-Kansas Jewish Federation (MKJF) and the Joan S. Beren Jewish Community School (JBJCS).
Being together in the same facility enables both congregations, MKJF, and JBJCS to coordinate activities and share resources as we collaboratively create a vibrant center of Jewish life in Wichita. Renovations and new construction took place from 2020 - 2021 to update the facility and these investments have made the JSBWJCC a new home for the Wichita Jewish Community.
For additional information, please reach out to Hannah See, WJCC Administrator at or the WJCC president. Room reservation inquiries should be directed to Julie Fruhauf, Director of MKJF at
All JSBWJCC announcements will be posted below.