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The Joan S. Beren Jewish Community School

Give your child the gift of a Jewish education

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Our Educational Mission

Educating our children about Judaism is one of the most important functions of our community. A strong Jewish education is critical to encouraging our children's love and understanding of Judaism, allowing them the ability to make Jewish life decisions as they grow older, and ensuring that they remain committed to a Jewish life. The Joan S. Beren Jewish Community School (JBJCS) is a joint effort of the two Jewish congregations in Wichita, Ahavath Achim Congregation and Congregation Emanu-El, to provide a broad and comprehensive Jewish education for our children from pre-K through 9th grade.


Our Curriculum

The JBJCS curriculum includes the study of holidays, prayer, theology, Bible, Hebrew language, Israel, and various aspects of contemporary Jewish life including Jewish thought, values, history, music, and culture. With financial support from the Mid-Kansas Jewish Federation, JBJCS is led by a full-time education director and overseen by a committee comprised of members appointed by the boards of both congregations.


The school meets on Sunday mornings for Judaic studies and both Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings for Hebrew. 


The Joan S. Beren Jewish Community School is a fun, warm, inviting place for our children to learn and to grow as Jews.

Our Leadership

Jamie Smartt, JBJCS Education Director


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Ahavath Achim Congregation,
affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, is the only egalitarian Conservative congregation in Wichita, Kansas. 




1850 N Woodlawn Blvd,

Wichita, KS 67208




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© 2022 Ahavath Achim Congregation

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